A Celebration of Notable Women You May Have Never Heard Of
A Visual, Sound and Video Installation
This June Gallery Gaia in Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn presents Wild Women, an installation by artists Diana Leidel and Cat Del Buono. Wild Women celebrates the accomplishments of women who were notable in an array of occupations but who are very likely “women you may have never heard of." The unique installation, a roomful of white dresses suspended and swaying on ghostly hangers that viewers can walk through, offers up the names and professions of some 100 now deceased, largely unknown, women who influenced or changed our world. Video projections of their names play on the gently moving dresses, handwriting on the wall identifies their accomplishments, and a continually looping audio track offers viewers a glimpse of their voices, their evironments and their lives..

Some of the Wild Women in Real Life
The Dresses
Installation With Projections of the Names
Video of Installation With Projections of the Names